Thursday, January 12, 2006

An Outline For Mike Gainor

Act I: The Reckoning

1. Agamemnon returns to Perspex Island.
2. Hosannas are offered.
3. Evil Jed makes an appearance.
a. Evil Jed kills Winnifred.
b. Winnifred comes back from the dead and kills Evil Jed.
4. Cutthroat Norm knocks on Cicely's door.
5. A storm ravages the island.

Act II: The Call of the Beacon

1. All hope is lost.
2. Marshall Hall decides to play the "Oriental Card."
3. The abolitionists storm the capitol.
4. There is no Act II, Scene 4.
5. The (figurative) fire is (literally) started.
6. Comic interlude.

Act III: The Centurion and the Belgian Magician

1. Shaw + Andromeda = Love Scene.
2. The train leaves the station, bound for Brussels.
3. The verdict is read.
4. The helicopter comes, delivering Shaw, Andromeda, Hall, Norm, and Cicely to Perspex Island where Agamemnon and the ghosts are waiting in idling tanks.
5. It's on, dude, it's on!

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