Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Counter

So I installed a counter on my blog. I was curious as to how many people visit here each day. Then, I realized that the counter software included some other interesting features, such as tracking each visitor's ISP and server location. (Keep in mind that the server location does not necessarily indicate actual physical location. For example, I don't live in Virginia. But often the ISP description gives more detail.) So I know the likely region and, if they reach my page through a search, I know the search terms.

I promise to use this "knowledge" ethically and honorably. Having said that, I've discovered a few interesting things:
A lot of people reach my page accidentally, often with searches involving the word "blueprint."

Some people visit my blog every day and multiple times each day. I don't know who these people are. They seem to be located in the non-coastal areas of Southern California. And Texas. And Europe. Berkeley. Chicago. San Diego. Whoever you all are, thanks for coming.

More people visit here than I thought (154 in 11 days).

Too many of you are using Internet Explorer. Firefox!
In other words, I don't know much.

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