Friday, February 09, 2007

Alarm Eyelash Fixate

Damn, gum surgery is brutal. They called it a "success" so I think I'm okay but let's just say that I got a little tired of spitting blood last night. And the swelling on one side of my face this morning makes me look a little uneven and quite scary.

I'll say this: having had to listen to Boston's Amanda on the periodontist's piped-in relaxation music during the most high-pressure part of the surgery makes me never want to hear the song again. Some choice quotes from the doctor during Amanda - (to me): Don't close your mouth! Keep your eyes closed in case I drop the needle; (to her assistants): Keep the pressure on, we don't want to him to have a hematoma. No, the solution needs to be gooey!)

(for those who want the details. this is what I had done to me)

But the hard part is over. Now I can enjoy the weekend with someone who is traveling all the way from the other side of the southland to see me. Okay so it's only 41.4 miles. That's nothing. I anticipate lots of good soft food. And a trip to the museum. And a voyage into the universe. And salt bagels of course (if they're soft).

My favorite links of the week:

The John Amaechi story. It's very odd that it's taken this long for an NBA player to announce he's gay but it did. I've always considered the NBA to be the most progressive of the major sports leagues but for this not to happen sooner is pretty surprising.

Sarah Silverman's new show is really good. This clip isn't from the aired episodes but it's pretty representative.

An impossible catchy Lily Allen song (thanks for the link Alex.)

Flak's 26-part dissection of the Super Bowl ads.

Could anything be better than a combination of freedarko and statistical graphs? Maybe something could be better... yeah something.

And I love the anagram finder. I've been having so much fun with it today. My name anagrams to "Family Ha" which resonates with me. And other combinations of multiple names lead to perfect word combinations like today's title.

1 comment:

Jason said...

Urbane Jolts!