Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm On My Way

It's been a few days. Thursday, I walked on sand and felt the magnetic pull of the ocean. Friday, I gave advice as part of a group and tried to sell some of the most obscure CDs of 1997 to Amoeba (they only took a few; why doesn't anyone want my Bicycle Thief or Balloon Guy albums?)

Today is Saturday and I have a headache. I'm sitting on the couch with Seymour (a cat) by my side. Seymour's been clingy all night and all morning. I know he just wants me to freshen up his food but it's kind of cute.

Here's a cure for a headache: An amazing old SNL piece involving a one-on-one basketball game between Paul Simon and legendary player Connie Hawkins (via freedarko).

Today: Hitchcock movies at the Aero. Keeping out of the heat. Superbad maybe? I need coffee.


Anonymous said...

Seymour is still going? How's Guber?

Ali said...

Yep, Seymour is still going. As for the other one....well, she disappeared in 2002. I hope she's still wandering the streets of Minneapolis.

And how are you doing, anon?

Oh... who are you? Just curious.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully she was taken in by someone. To be honest though, I never really liked Guber. I think the feeling was mutual.

Ali said...

Hmmm... I'm still trying to figure out who this might be. I have it narrowed down to 4 or 5 people. Any clues?