Tuesday, October 23, 2007


This morning, driving to work on Exposition Boulevard just east of Vermont, I saw a giant stuffed animal face down on the sidewalk. Not being able to see the face, I can only assume this animal was a bear. It was definitely bear-sized. One of its legs hung over the curb and had clearly been dirtied or run over by passing cars. I will never get this image out of my head. I wish I had a camera with me. If you're in the area, look for it. It's probably still there.


Anonymous said...

Poor thing was probably trying to escape the fires ravaging it's woodland home. So tragic.

Ali said...

Anonymous, you have a point there. Except that the corner of Exposition and Vermont in Los Angeles couldn't really be described as "woodland."

I have a question for you: Are you the same "anonymous" who left the comment about my cats back on September 1? I'm assuming that you are the same person but, if not, the mystery of who you are becomes more difficult to solve.

Anonymous said...

True. The bear actually started his journey in Malibu. Being that the 534 was not running he decided to walk to downtown. Exhausted and having made it to Fairfax, he waved down the metro 38 bus and rode it to Jefferson, where, due to his disorientation brought on by a lack of food and sleep, he exited the bus and wandered onto the USC campus. It was not long before someone from student affairs asked him if he would like to take a nice survey and answer a few questions. At hearing this he freaked out and ran as fast as he could. He hoped to make it to Exposition Park and the Natural History Museum across Exposition Blvd. Unfortunately we all know the tragic end, but now you know the rest of the story. The answer to your question, later.

Ali said...

He had a long long journey, didn't he? But how did he get from the museum to .... never mind.

Here's a question:

Have we ever been in a car together in:

A. Minnesota
B. California
C. New York
D. A and B
E. A, B, and C
F. None of the above


Anonymous said...
