Monday, April 28, 2008

Babies, Trash, Words, and the Mollusk

I'm sitting in an air-conditioned office on the third hottest day of the year. I'm in an unmedicated daze. I've felt a strange fever coming on, a minor congestion. I refused caffeine this morning in favor of a Guava Lava smoothie. This is never a good sign - not wanting to have coffee usually portends persistent cold-like symptoms and a general malaise.

I've had an interesting few days. Yes. For the first time in the 2.5 years I've lived in my current apartment, I had more than 4 people in my apartment at once. Everyone liked the view and Seymour. No one remembered to let me, as the host, win at poker.

I also got lost (and found) in Culver City. I said goodbye to Jason, Monica, and Amelia before they move to the "San Francisco of the Midwest" (someone else's words, not mine). At one point, I was surrounded by so many couples with children and pregnant women that I felt like I didn't belong. Then I thought "whatever" and moved on. I watched basketball. I envisioned a Scrabble game in my future. I revised a script. I wrote 2 poems. I I stared straight ahead. I looked down. I listened to David Bowie and Vampire Weekend.... to Ween and She and Him. I struggled to find parking in Venice. Doorbells. Window shades. I complained. I complimented. I went to the same bookstore twice. I read the same first two pages twice.

1 comment:

obscurapersona said...

When were you in Culver City?