Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Well, I didn't make the top 10....


... but it was a long shot anyway, my story not having characters with names or events with clear descriptions. I find solace in my top 140-notable-ness. We can say I finished 11th.

I'm working on a new story - "The Trembler" - which also features characters without names but at least they have physical descriptions and there's a river and a bridge of course. And when the man who lives under the bridge hears footsteps, they'll enter his mind's hallucination and not his dream because dreams are sometimes too easy and I like a good challenge.

I killed some work time this morning (and recent mornings) Googling names of people I used to know. One is a family loan officer. One may be a reporter for the Miami Herald. One curates. One sells Avon. Another curates. And one is nowhere to be found.

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